Monday, June 30, 2008


My Dear White Lightning,
so, u finally turn 21( in dog years), eh?....the next time im in bbsr maybe we can have a beer together :P....... As i sit at my desk pretending to work, my mind wanders to that stormy night in June 2005 when your mummy suddenly went into labour. i vividly remember the look of terror and anxiety on my mother's face when she hollered out to me that julie's water had the time i reached her misty (Julie Jr) was already out and julie was licking her clean...then as i took your TINY little sister in my hands and and picked up a cloth to wipe her, i was greeted by the LOUDEST, SHRILLEST yelp i have ever heard....the thought that crossed my mind at that moment was, "er....where did THAT come from???...does it mean misty ain't the first one!!!"....and thus started my frantic yet cautious(oxymoronic, eh?) search for the source of the sound in the bundle of cloth that we'd placed beside jules. And there you were, my tiny dumbo, as pink as a baby's lips, as tiny as my thumb, YELPING at the top of ur TINY lungs, letting the world know that u'd arrived .....i held u up, stroked ur pea sized head (:P) and decided then and there that YOU were the one I would would be our COMET, the devil in an angel's gown.
you and julie have given me IMMENSE joy and memories that will stay with me forEVER. u 2 have lit up my life like 2 candles in a dark room.
i wish u 2 LONG, HEALTHY, HAPPY and NAUGHTY lives
The Monk


  1. oh good you've started to write and what better day than your comet's coming-of-age-day!he has grown and is definitely aware of his machismo!! yesterday he scared one squirrel, a mongoose, two little birds and also strutted about as manfully as he could when cookie went by!!and i also told you how he has finally got the hang(?) of a male-dog-pee.....

  2. Hey.. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COMET! I can't pet him you see.. I'm kinda scared.. so do it for me Monk.. n Pea sized head.. hahaha.. u kill me Monk!!

  3. :) Awesome start!
    Ever since I saw the mail announcing the first post, I was itching to come home n log in! Worth it :)

  4. @palak--i thought u said u could do one thing everyday that scares you...make "petting comet" ur current objective :P

    @pcube-- thanks shishtah :)

  5. Though I dont like dogs (cause of the long history behind us)...but comet looks cute. must be the darling of the house.

  6. Coment on my B'Day!!!

    We are all glad that you kept him(the misguided missile)...

  7. Sniff...the bost insbired biece of sduff,ban.
    PS - Dote habe a code...jusd got sendi.

  8. Deeb******, dude, wadda ged ur azz gigged?
    B.S (read P.S)--i DO habe a gold. add i'b gonna flick snot at you the negst dime we meet

  9. choo much luRRv 4 zE guy's best phrenD.. makes me wanna wail like a sissy girl ..<3 khaamet n zuulyie .. nice blog u started there .. pretty gud 4 a freakin' retard on steroids, ROFLMAOBAMA..keep up ze guD werk ..
    \m/ d(-_-)b \m/
